Eyelet Yoke Baby Cardigan
Supplies: Sport Weight (Bernat Softee Baby) Yarn, #4 straights and dpn’s, 2 stitch holders, crochet hook Makes newborn–6-month size Larger size #’s in bold face! If you use a thinner sports yarn, such as Jamie, or Red Heart TLC Baby, use a #3 needle and use the larger size numbers. The result will be about the same size–approx. 20" chest, 9 ½” long. Sleeves are knit about the same length as body. Using the larger numbers with thicker sports yarns will give a 6–12-mo size. For a very tiny size, try #3 needles with Jamie Yarn and use the smaller numbers.
Pattern increases are of the “bar” type—knit into the front and back of same stitch.
C/O 60 sts
Rows 1-2: K
Row 3: (r.s.): K 2, y/o, K 2 tog for buttonhole (boy), work to end; for girl, K across to last 4 sts,: K 1 y/o, K 2 tog, K1
Rows 4-5: K
Row 6:(w.s.) K 4, P across to within 4 sts of end, K 4
Row 7: K
Row 8: K 4, P across to within 4 sts of end, K 4
Row 9: K 4, increase in next st, *K 2, increase in next st* Repeat between stars across, K 4 ( 78 Sts)
Row 10: (w.s.) K
Row 11: K 5, *y/o, K 2 tog* across, ending K 5 (still 78 sts)
Row 12: K
Row 13: K 4, increase in next st, *K 3, increase in next st* to last 5 sts, K 5 (96 sts)
Row 14: K 4, P across to within 4 sts of end, K 4
Row 15: K across
Row 16: K 4, P across to within 4 sts of end, K 4
Row 17: K 5, * increase in next st, K 4* repeat across to last 5 sts, K 5 (114 ts)
Row 18: (w.s.) K
Row 19: K 5, *y/o, K 2 tog* across, ending K 5
Row 20: (w.s.) K
Row 21: K 6, * increase in next st., K 5 *, end K 5 (132 sts)
Row 22: K 4, P across to within 4 sts of end, K 4
Row 23: Work row in K and buttonhole same end as in row 3–repeating buttonhole every 10th ridge (for larger size do 2nd buttonhole in row 27)
Row 24: K 4, P across to within 4 sts of end, K 4
Row 25: *K 6, inc in next st* across, end K 6 (150 sts)
Row 26: (w.s.) K
Row 27: Work as in Row 11 (larger size: 2nd buttonhole in this row–repeat buttonhole every 12 ridges))
Row 28: Work as in Row 12
Row 29: K across (For larger sweater do another increase row here: *K 7,inc in next st,* ending K6* [168 st])
Work even in stockinette stitch with garter stitch button bands for 2 more (6 more) rows.
Place Markers: (w.s.) Work 26 (29)sts, place marker; work 26 (29)sts, place marker, work 46 sts, (52)place marker, work 26 (29)sts, place marker, work last 26 (29)sts.(150 sts)(168)
Increase Row: *K to within 2 sts of marker, increase in next st, K 1, pass marker, increase in next st*; repeat between *’s 3 times. (8 sts added)
Next row: K 4, P across to within 4 sts of end, K 4
Repeat these two rows 4 (5) more times, putting sleeves on holder after working, on the last w.s. row. (190 sts) (216) Count rows to put 3rd buttonhole where needed!!!
Next row (r.s.) *K to within 2 sts of marker, increase in next st, K 1,remove marker, C/O 4 sts under arm, remove marker, increase in next st*; work across the back and repeat between stars. (130) (146)sts
Work even, keeping button bands and working buttonholes where needed.
Work additional decorative rows (see rows 10–13) near the bottom of the sweater, incorporating fifth buttonhole in garter stitch border, to match neck.
Sleeves: Pick up stitches of one sleeve plus 4 sts from cast-on underarms, on 3 dpn’s. Join yarn at underarm and work stockinette stitch (all K) to 1½" short of desired length. Decrease evenly in last round of K, leaving 36 sts on sleeve. P 1 round. * y/o, K 2 tog* for one round; P 1 round; K 3 rounds. Decrease by 4 sts evenly in next round. *P 1 round, K 1 round* twice. Cast off loosely in P. Repeat for second sleeve.
If a plainer look is wanted for a boy, do sleeve without eyelets and end with garter stitch ridge only.